Aeration is one of the most beneficial treatments you can apply to your lawn as it reduces soil compaction and enables water, air and essential nutrients to reach the rootzone.
Solid tine aeration:
Solid tine aeration, also known as spiking, is the simplest way to alleviate compaction and improve soil structure in lawns and turf areas. Unlike hollow tine aeration, which removes soil plugs from the ground, solid tine aeration uses solid metal spikes or tines to puncture the soil surface and create channels for air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the root zone.
Using only professional grade machinery, the aerator moves across the surface of the lawn punching the spikes (tines) 2-3 inches into the ground, creating hundreds of holes to aid drainage and loosen compacted soil.
Hollow tine aeration:
Hollow tine aeration drives metal tubes into the surface of the lawn, extracting plugs of turf and soil which are deposited onto the lawn. This process is of particular benefit to heavily compacted and thatched lawns.
The need to clear-up the waste cores deposited on the lawn surface, makes this a more time-consuming, and therefore expensive, process than solid-tine aeration
Why is lawn aeration important?
Soil – in particular heavy, clay-based soil – has a tendency to become compacted over time. The soil particles get pushed closer together by heavy rainfall and/or footfall making it difficult for moisture and essential gases to flow freely and reach the roots of your grass. This can lead to under-developed roots, weak grass, and poor disease / drought tolerance.
Benefits of Aeration:
Relieves soil compaction
Improves surface drainage
Improves flow of oxygen, water and nutrients to rootzone
Stimulates root growth
Strengthens grass, minimising moss development
Overall, aeration is a key step in maintaining a healthy, resilient lawn that looks lush and green throughout the year.